Sell your diamond to Diamonds4cashSF!
Why sell your diamond to Diamonds4cashSF? The answere is very simple. We pay more!Contact us at matter what the reason is, why you are selling your jewelry or engagement ring or diamond, the ultimate outcome is to sell your diamond at the highest price possible. To achieve the highest price, you will have to know exactly how to sell your diamond or engagement ring.Most people turn to pawn shops, thinking this is the only solution to sell your jewelry or diamond. But in fact this is the worst choice. Pawn shops owners are not gemologists or experienced diamond buyers. They also are not tought in grading a diamond correctly, when it comes to color, clarity as well as cut. That is why they will give you a very low offer, most probably just taking into consideration the approximate size of your diamond. Pawn shops are usually located in very shady areas of town, which are not pleasant to travel to.Auction houses sell a lot of jewelry. But they also charge a very large percentage of the sale price. In some cases, you still have to pay a large percentage even if your engagement ring did not sale at the auction. Again auction houses have no expertise in truly evaluation a diamond, when it comes to color, clarity and cut.A lot of small jewelry stores and consignment stores take jewelry on consignment. They not only charge you a large percentage, but also take a long time, before they sell you merchandise and actually pay you. This not only means, that they will not give you the highest pay out, but you will also have wait a long time!Diamonds4cashSF is a division of JDI, a very successful jewelry store, specialized in selling engagement rings and large diamonds. We are well known in the diamond industry, have the buying power to pay you on the spot and are experienced to evaluate all the aspects of diamonds and fine jewelry. Our experts are GIA graduate gemologists, that have sold and bought a vast amount of diamonds, fine jewelry and fine watches over the years. We take into consideration the intrinsic value of your diamond or engagement ring. We grade your diamond: size, color, clarity and cut! Then we make you an offer right on the spot and if accepted, payment is done right away as well. Our transactions are safe, secure, fast and confidential. We are located on Union Square in San Francisco, close to parking and BART Powell Station.Not located close to us? No problem, we offer a free and secure overnight shipping. We videotape opening of all of our packages. And all merchandise on our premisses is insured by Lloyds of London. In some cases, we also travel to your location.Please contact us with any other questions. Diamonds4cashSF is here to answere all your questions.Sell your diamond to Diamonds4cashSF!