Sell your diamond to an established diamond buyer in San Francisco!
Why? It is very simple. Diamonds4cashSF pays more for your diamond or fine jewelry.We have been trusted diamond and jewelry buyers since 1985. An established business that has been in the same location for over 26 years, will be able to evaluate your diamond and fine jewelry accurately and make you an offer upon that. Our GIA trained gemologists are very experienced and have a lot of knowledge when it comes to diamonds, fine jewelry and gemstones. Sell your diamond to an established business in the heart of San Francisco, to get the highest pay out. We have the buying power and pay you on the spot. Selling your diamond to an established diamond buyers is much safer than going to a pawn shop or selling it to companies that just got created to take advantage of today’s high gold prices. Don’t sell your diamond to someone, whe will just pay you for the gold value of your piece, without taking into consideration all the aspects of your jewelry. Click on to get more info or call us at 1800-424-GEMS to make an appointment.Sell your diamond to an established diamond buyer in San Francisco!